When I deeply think about the development of the people, I got few ideas. Which are applicable to any people across globe. Here for ur view and review.
Ideas – People – Development
1. Friendliness, Love, Respect - to each other & esp. with opposite sex
2. Disease, self medical awareness and Free medical service at-least for poor
3. Rural development, Teaching & 100% Education needed, Doctor Service needed
4. Mentoring, Guide at-least one next generation apart from own kid
5. Encourage adoption, sponsorship and take care of orphanage kids and old-age
6. Tolerance always, Take easy way to express others and government issues
7. Encourage and Guide women to do all the things and in righteous way
8. Grow the children with moral education from childhood
9. Know the mother language first, other languages for the business & culture
10. Increase the interest of sports from childhood, Can aim for Olympic from age3
11. Good family relationship, fellowship with the society and all creatures
12. Children & Youths be aware with Entertainment media, use it for good cause
13. Law awareness to the public. Layer, Court, Judge, Police to help on Justice
14. Government Staffs, Politicians, Public – remove lethargy and Fraud, do duty
15. No Terrorism, Less defense force, Self protest, Motivate youth for achivement
16. Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs – from youth itself we should avoid these life risks
17. Sexual awareness – avoid Prostitution & AIDS, Need family love n relationship
18. Computer knowledge and awareness for all sort of people to ease our life
1. Transport - Bus, Train, Plane, Air, Ship services with minimal cost and time
2. Transport - Road, Rail, Airport – well connected from city to village
3. Basic living needs(Electricity, Water, Food) to Reach wherever people reside
4. Basic living goods, groceries – reasonable cost, encourage self farming good
5. Democracy, Politics, Leader, Policies, Law, Election – create awareness
6. Politicians – to understand they are servants, for service, people assistance
7. Religion, Cast, Regional – remove division, Grow humanity in all ways
8. Work, Government Job – after study, awareness while study
9. Income tax, Property tax, other tax pay without fail for country development
10. Ration Card, Election Voter ID, Passport, SSN for all (but after high school)
11. Education, World Knowledge – for vision and purpose of life, for all
12. Agriculture – improvement, farmer should be honored, technology should help
13. Fishing, all small merchants – improvement, their livelihood should improve
14. Basic department of infrastructure and natural resources(like oil–improvement
15. All Engineering services, work, technology – improvement with no conflict
16. The growth of press and journalism – use it positive always
17. Poor, Rich, Land, Wealth, Business, Entrepreneur, Beggar, Food – awareness
18. Business, Economics – ethically should help employees, motto not only profit
19. Animal welfare, green forest and environment protection
These ideas are not for somebody else, for us, for me... These ideas we have to work from ourself and have to educate others to follow with their full involvement and heart.
As Ghandhi said, "If U want to change, be the change".
I am going to be change, going to practice for my peace and happy... Transition should start from me, I believe. People are nothing but Cumulative Result of U&Me. If We know this formula, we will surely see the development in every people in the world in our life time. I am ready, U?